The user guide (linked below) contains information found on this page with additional screenshots. It contains instructions on:
Instructions about how to do this can be found on our EndNote page:
Note that there are two files to install:
We need the reference types file because EndNote does not come with many of the legal reference types that are required by the AGLC style.
Repeat this process for all your footnotes. Note that Word will maintain the correct numerical order of footnotes, both in-text and at the bottom of the pages, no matter what order you insert them into your document.
When you add a new reference to your EndNote library, if there is no author you will need to add a short title into the reference's Short Title field. You don't need to do this if the reference has an author, such as books, most reports, journal & newspaper articles and so on.
For Cases, the short title should be either:
For short titles of Legislation or Treaties:
For other legal materials, you should consult the AGLC for guidance about the form of short titles.
Pinpoints are added by EndNote to citations in footnotes in AGLC in the same way as for citations in other styles:
Repeated citations in consecutive footnotes
EndNote will automatically convert such repeated citations to Ibid, as required by AGLC rules. You can add pinpoints to the Ibid if you wish, in the same way you add them to a normal citation.
If you add a footnote in between two footnotes, where the second one is an Ibid, and then add a different citation to the middle footnote, the Ibid will revert to non-consecutive repeated citation format, as it should.
Repeated citations in non-consecutive footnotes
It is quite common to cite a reference in several different, non-consecutive footnotes. AGLC handles this in quite a complex way, and EndNote therefore has to be a bit complicated here too. The AGLC rule is:
EndNote knows about these rules, but it doesn't know what the required first footnote number is, so when you insert a reference that has been cited earlier (but not in the directly preceding footnote) you will get either one of:
In both cases, to add the number of the first citing footnote, leave the cursor in the footnote just after the (n and click on References > Cross-reference (Windows) or Insert > Cross-reference (Mac). Below is the image for Windows:
The Cross-reference window will open (see image above).
Updating cross-references
It is possible that you might add footnotes into your document in such a way as to disturb the order of these cross-references. For example in our example, if you add a footnote before the first citation of Tang, the original footnote number 1 becomes number 2, original 2 becomes 3, original 3 becomes 4 and so on. We now need to change the cross-reference in the repeated footnote from (n 1) to (n 2). There may be many other cross-references to many other footnotes that will also need to be changed.
Luckily the cross-reference feature in Word allows this to be done easily. It can be done at any time, as often as you like, and should certainly be done just before you submit a document for publication or marking.
In legal referencing we need to separate our bibliography into categories of references. To do this, in your EndNote tab in Word, select Categorize References > Configure Categories. The following window appears: