The UTS Library book collection has a large collection of guides for inspiring & teaching graphic design. Search the Library Catalogue for what you want to learn.
Suggested keywords:
You can search for specific techniques or graphic design focuses to find materials that can help with particular aspects of your design practice (e.g. colour, typography, etc.).
For handbooks & guides, search in the Library Catalogue. For video tutorials, search in the LinkedIn Learning database.
Below are some suggestions for books & tutorials for some of the key design techniques.
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
The Library has lots of resources to help with understanding & improving your storytelling ability when designing. Below are some suggestions for books & tutorials to use. You can also search the Library Catalogue & LinkedIn Learning to find more.
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
On a LinkedIn Learning course or video, check the top-right corner. If you are already signed-in, you will see the UTS logo. If not, click the 'Sign In' button.
Your student email should be your name or student number followed by @student.uts.edu.au.
You should be prompted to sign in with Single Sign-On. To get this option, make sure you use your UTS email.
Sign in to your UTS account using your student email and password. This is the Single Sign-On process.
You should now be signed in to LinkedIn Learning on your UTS student account. Check the top, right-hand corner; you should see a blue UTS logo.
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