We all use Google, but when looking for information on the internet, it's essential to check that your information is reliable and not the work of someone looking to spread misinformation.
The internet helps find information like:
If you are unsure if the information you found is sound, you can use our techniques for evaluating sources.
It's extremely important that you evaluate each source before using them in your assessments, particularly if you are using the information you found on the internet. The C.R.A.P Test is a way to evaluate a source based on the following criteria:
We all use Google, but when looking for information on the internet, it's essential to check that information is reliable, up-to-date, and unbiased.
Google is often the way to find information online. There are 2 simple searching tips that can help you quickly locate sources. You can use these tips by themselves or combine them.
Reports are most often shared in PDF format on websites. By limiting your search by file type, it can help you locate reports.
To do this, add the phrase filetype:pdf into your google search.
Filtering your search results by the domain will help you filter your search down to specific types of websites. For example, if I was looking for government reports I could filter my search to Australian government websites by adding site:gov.au to my search.
Other domains you could try include:
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