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Company, Industry & Country Information: Referencing Company, Industry & Country Resources

This guide contains resources and guidance to help students find company, industry & country information.

Most faculties at UTS use the APA 7th referencing style. Check your subject outline if you are in doubt.

What is referencing and why is it important? 


At university you are expected to reference information sources used in your assignments. Referencing is important as it:

  • gives credit to authors
  • shows that you’ve done your research  
  • means that others can find the resources you have used .

APA 7th Referencing Guide


For help on how to reference have a look at our comprehensive referencing guide. 

You can open it in a new page and download it by clicking the link below.

Useful Sections

Most company, industry or country resources can be cited using one of these templates:

Report by an organisation or a government agency (Section 7.01)

Reports by individuals on behalf of an organisation or government agency (Section 7.02)

Website - Organisation as author (Section 3.02)

Website - Individual as author (Section 3.01)