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Civil & Environmental Engineering: Finding Journal Articles & Conference Papers

This guide contains resources and guidance to help students studying Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Journal articles & conference papers


A journal is a collection of articles that is published regularly throughout the year. 

A conference paper is the text of a paper or presentation given at a conference. Papers from a particular conference are often compiled together as a conference proceeding. They may be published as a book, a special issue or supplement of a journal, or as part of a series. 

Academic journal articles and conference papers are one way in which you can find in-depth analysis on particular issues and current research information in a field. They can be found by using the library catalogue, but we recommend you look in a discipline-specific database. 

Discipline-specific databases


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Database searching guides


A single box search

Type or copy/paste your search string into the search box.

concrete AND foundation* AND (wood* OR timber) AND (moisture OR water)


Scopus advanced search

A single box Advanced Search

  • choose Advanced Search
  • type or copy/paste search string into one search box
  • select Anywhere except  full text - NOFT as search field


Multi-box Advanced Search

Using Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine containing scholarly material like journal articles, conference papers, and books. Before beginning your search, make sure your account has access to Full text @ UTS.

tips icon

Database search tips

  • Plan your search by identifying keywords of your topic, and synonyms of the keywords
  • Turn the keywords and synonyms into search terms, e.g. “civil engineering”, wood*
  • Connect search terms by Boolean operators and brackets: AND, OR, NOT, ()
  • Choose appropriate search field, e.g. Article title, Abstract, Keywords 
  • Choose “peer reviewed” option to find academic journal articles
  • Use "Source/Document Type" option to refine the search results to journal articles or conference papers.
  • Look at an article’s reference list (cited articles) and citing articles to expand related resources and discover the research cycle

Locating full text

  • Use Find Full Text @ UTS Library to locate full text
  • If the article full text is not found, check the library catalogue to see if we have the journal or conference proceedings, e.g. search 'Interactive Collaborative Learning' to locate Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning