As Built Environment students, you will be asked to use the APA 7th referencing style.
As a built environment student, you will be asked to use the APA 7th referencing style. The Library's APA guide will give you guidance, templates and examples you can use to build your own references.
Godin, F., Varner, J., & Peters, S. (2015). Adapting leading practices and associated tools. IWA Publishing.
Journal article:
Gavrikova, E., Volkova, I., & Burda, Y. (2020). Strategic aspects of asset management: An overview of current research. Sustainability, 12(15), Article 5955.
Web page:
OpenGov. (n.d.). Strategic asset management (SAM): An in-depth guide.
Library database:
DatAnalysis Premium. (2023, October 20). APN Industria REIT.
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