A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. - International Standards Organization, ISO.
UTS Library has a number of standards in our collection, including all Australian and some ISO standards.
The best way to find print standards is using the library catalogue.
If the standard is not available in the Library Catalogue, please try the databases listed below. If you have difficulty in finding a standard, please contact a librarian.
A Google search will find more open-access standards used in different industries in Australia.
Standards are subject to licensing and restrictions and are accessible through select databases. To access Standards Australia, users need to create an individual account on i2i (the Standards Australia platform) with their university email address to access Standards files. These files can be printed or downloaded but will include digital rights management (DRM) features and watermarks to prevent unauthorised sharing.
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