AusPat (Australian PO)Search Australian patents. IP Australia also provides a paid service for patent analytics reports.
Patentscope (WIPO)The PATENTSCOPE database provides access to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications in full text format on the day of publication, as well as to patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices.
esp@cenetEspacenet contains data on more than 120 million patent documents from around the world from 1782 to today.
USPTOUSPTO has the most up-to-date set of US patents and patent applications, published every Tuesday.
Google Patent SearchGoogle Patents is a search engine from Google that indexes more than 87 million patents and patent applications with full text from 17 patent offices.
Patents for Science
SciFinderⁿchemical engineering, industrial chemistry, materials science, biochemistry, pharmacology and medicine. The database also includes patents, conference papers, pre-prints and reviews
Patentscope (WIPO)Database provides access to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications in full text format on the day of publication, as well as to patent documents of participating national and regional patent offices.
Standards AustraliaStandards Australia contains Australian standards as well as some international and ISO standards, including ones with quality management and project management
AcumenAcumen is a professional practice resource for architects. It contains notes on how to operate an architectural practice, run building projects, and how to design and build sustainably
ASTM Standards Source OnlineASTM's 12,500+ standards cover metals, petroleum, construction, environment and more from the American Society for Testing Materials.
Australian Vehicle Design RulesThe Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are national standards for vehicle safety, anti-theft and emissions.
Austroads Guide to Road DesignThe Austroads Guide to Road Design provides designers with a framework that promotes efficiency in design and construction, economy, and both consistency and safety for road users.
British Standards OnlineUTS Library has full text access to the BSI online: Construction-general standards module only.
IEEE StandardsInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Standards available from IEEE Xplore database.
National Construction CodesFormerly known as the Building Code of Australia, this website contains Volumes 1 and 2 of the Construction code (covering domestic and industrial buildings), plumbing, drainage codes and more. They are free to access, but you need to register with NCC to view.
ASTM Standards Source OnlineProvides 12000+ standards covering metals, petroleum, construction, the environment, and more, from the American Society for Testing Metals.