A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. To get a patent, technical information about the invention must be disclosed to the public in a patent application.
Patent protection is granted for a limited period and only applicable in the country or region in which the patent has been filed and granted. Once a patent expires, the protection ends, and an invention enters the public domain; that is, anyone can commercially exploit the invention without infringing the patent.
Inventor(s): who invented the patent
Applicant(s): who holds the rights of exclusive use of a patent
Description of the claimed invention and related developments in the field of technology.
List of claims indicating the scope of patent protection sought by the applicant.
Priority Date in Priority Number: the date when a patent application is firstly filed at a patent office. Once the patent is granted, the inventor will have the exclusive right to use his invention from the filing date.
Legal status: grant, application, withdrawn, expired, abandoned, etc.
Patents are territory-specific. In application number or publication number, country codes means in which countries the patent is protected.
WIPO covers 193 countries and states in 2020. A patent with WO in publication number is protected worldwide within 30 months of filing date, more information is available on WIPO website.
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