As Architecture students, you will be asked to use either the APA 7th referencing style or the Chicago 17th Footnote style.
At university you are expected to reference information sources used in your assignments. Referencing is important as it:
As an architecture student, you will be asked to use either the APA 7th referencing style or the Chicago 17th Footnote style. The Library's APA and Chicago guides will give you guidance, templates and examples you can use to build your own references.
Pilatowicz, G. (1995). Eco-interiors: A guide to environmentally conscious interior design. Wiley.
Journal article:
Al-Zubaidy, S. N., Tokbolat, S., & Tokpatayeva, R. (2013). Passive design of buildings for extreme weather environment. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 2(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.2.1.1-11
Web page:
Renzo Piano Building Workshop. (2014). Centre Georges Pompidou. http://www.rpbw.com/project/3/centre-georges-pompidou/
Library database:
Kilikita, H. (2019). Designing interiors for wellness. WGSN Lifestyle and Interiors. https://www.wgsn.com/en/products/lifestyle-interiors/
Social Media:
Laurence [@l.r.e]. (2020, August 12). Centre Pompidou [Photograph]. Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDyj8R3oo9a/
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