A journal is a collection of articles that is published regularly throughout the year.
A conference paper is the text of a paper or presentation given at a conference. Papers from a particular conference are often compiled together as a conference proceeding. They may be published as a book, a special issue or supplement of a journal, or as part of a series.
Academic journal articles and conference papers are one way in which you can find in-depth analysis on particular issues and current research information in a field. They can be found by using the library catalogue, but we recommend you look in a discipline-specific database.
Type or copy/paste your search string into the search box.
"computer game*" AND (primary OR elementary) AND education AND (student* OR child* OR kid*)
Google Scholar is a search engine containing scholarly material like journal articles, conference papers, and books. Before beginning your search, make sure your account has access to Full text @ UTS.
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