NVivo is software that supports qualitative and mixed method research. It is designed to help users organise, analyse, and visualise unstructured or qualitative data, including interviews, open-ended survey responses, social media, and web content.
If you have a UTS-provided laptop, you can download NVivo from the Software Center.
If you are using your personal computer, and you are a UTS Student or a staff, you can download NVivo using the links below (these links are managed by UTS IT).
If you have any questions about downloading or accessing NVivo, please contact the UTS IT Unit by going to ServiceConnect or by calling 02 9514 2222.
The Graduate Research School (GRS) runs training in qualitative data analysis that does touch on NVivo (this training is not accessible to undergraduate or coursework students).
You can find more information on upcoming events on the RES Hub event space. If you any questions, please contact GRS Researcher Development: GRS_RD@uts.edu.au
NVivo creators, QSR International, offer short, instructional videos on NVivo for Windows and Mac.
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