UTS Library subscribes to a number of streaming services which you have access to via the library databases.
Other film streaming services:
Sometimes movies are not available via online streaming services, but they are available as DVDs or videos.
Dewey Decimal Number: 791
Hint: If you can't find something on the shelf, ask a friendly library staff member. Library Rovers (wearing black polo shirts) are wandering around the upper floors, and there is a library staff member on the Service Desk on Level 7 during certain hours of the day.
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Search in the Library Catalogue for books.
You can search your image keywords, or search for a famous artist, designer or architect to see books with collections of their works.
Under the 'Details' section of the book record, check the 'Format' of the book to see if it has pictures (indicated by the abbreviation 'ill.'). Some books also tell you if the pictures are in colour.
You can also browse books. The Library books are organised using the Dewey Decimal System.
Check out the Wikipedia page on Dewey Decimal Classes to find out where books on your topic would be.
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