To find resources to help develop your animation skills, search keywords on the specific techniques or areas you want to improve in (e.g. drawing, computer animation, visual design, visual effects, cinematography).
Keywords for Animation:
For handbooks & guides, search in the Library Catalogue. For video tutorials, search in the LinkedIn Learning database.
Below are some suggestions for books & tutorials for some of the key animation techniques.
Keywords to search:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
Keywords to search:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
Keywords to search:
LinkedIn Learning Tutorials:
Video Resources:
As well as searching online, you can also browse animation books in the library. This can help you to discover books that you would not have otherwise found. Animation skills books can be found on Level 9 of the Library and also on Level 5, in the Reading Room.
Look at the maps below to see where to find books on animation skills.
The Library has a range of books on using animation software such as Adobe Creative Suite & Maya.
Search the LinkedIn Learning database for tutorials on animating using different software.
Software available at UTS
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