Project management research deals mainly with the processes, skills and techniques that businesses use to bring projects to fruition. As such it interfaces a wide variety of fields, including economics, management, construction and IT.
The types of literature you'll use as a project management student will be just as varied, from traditional books and articles through to Australian and ISO standards, business case studies and news articles.
The sample search below will allow us to show you how to construct a search from an assignment question. We'll then take this search and look for information on the Search for Information page.
WalkerSSK [@WalkerSSK]. 2016. [Petronas Towers and skyline at night] [Stock Image]. Pixabay. https://pixabay.com/photos/kuala-lumpur-twins-malaysia-1820944/
Before you begin searching, try to identify the main ideas (or keywords) in your assignment question. You can then create searches to find some or all of these keywords within a single document.
Our sample assignment asks us to discuss the relationship between various concepts (such as procurement and risk) with various aspects of a project (including project scope and project monitoring).
Keyword 1 |
Keyword 2 |
project |
concepts (eg: procurement, risk) |
Once you have your main keywords you can use them to map out some similar or related terms to search with. Wikipedia and GenAI are great for brainstorming, but you can also try:
Project |
Concept |
project scope |
procurement |
Aspects of a project comprise keyword 1. We've used the examples given, but we've also added project management to the list as well.
Various concepts or issues comprise keyword 2. Again, we've used the examples given, though you could add related or synonymous terms as well, for example tendering for procurement.
Hopefully, we can combine keywords from the left and right side of the table in various ways to find the literature needed to answer our assignment question
Often it's best to start with a simple search. For our topic that would probably be combining an example from the left hand side of the table above with one from the right, eg: project control quality
If you find a lot of content, try enclosing the project terms in double quotes, eg: "project control" as this will give you more focused and relevant results.
If you don't find what you're looking for, try using Boolean Operators. Boolean Operators can be used to search for many similar or related terms at once. The idea behind this is to find more material, and also to save you time in having to run many different searches.
Use OR to add similar and related terms into your search.
("Project scope" OR "project execution" OR "project monitoring" OR "project control" OR "project management")
You can then combine OR searches together using the operator AND:
(“Project scope" OR ”project execution" OR "project monitoring" OR "project control" OR "project management") AND (procurement OR risk OR quality)
To see how these searches can be used to find material in the library, refer to the Search for Information page.
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