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Organising and Managing Information: Top tips for information management

How to Organise and Manage your Information

Information Management


Good management of the data you gather and produce during your research project is vital to maintaining the academic integrity of the project, both during the lifetime of the project and into the future once the project has been completed. UTS Library provides guidance on best-practice information management, version control, data storage and backup. 

Information and Data Management Tips


Throughout the lifetime of your research project you will accumulate a large amount of project information and data. Using best practice methods to manage this information and data is not only necessary but beneficial. The useful tips below will help you with this process.  

Useful Tips 

  • Describe data as you create it
  • Keep data in a machine readable format
  • Use consistent layouts and labels
  • Use descriptive and informative file naming conventions
  • Organise files chronologically
  • Use a file version scheme
  • Store data and information in multiple locations and formats
  • Backup regularly

Visit the UTS library webpage below, for further information.