Using a large portion of someone’s work means you may not be creating something original. You should only use as much as you need to make your point or idea clear.
Below are some ways in which you can use other people's work in your university assignment and studies.
All of these require you to credit the creator.
Quote: Where you use the creator's actual words or text exactly as they appear in the original source.
Copy: Where you reproduce the creator's images, sounds, data, etc exactly as they appear in the original source.
Adapt: Includes recreating images, graphs, tables etc with modifications, so that they appear different to the original work.
Paraphrase: Rewriting or reworking the creator's ideas in your own words and sentence structure.
Summarise: Rewriting or reworking the creator's ideas in your own words to condense a larger statement into a shorter explanation.
The advice on reproducing and re-interpreting other people's works is for university study and your assignments only.
Using or sharing other people's work outside of your studies at UTS could have copyright and legal implications.
For more information about appropriate use of other people’s work contact the Library.