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Systematic and Other Reviews: Welcome and Overview

This guide contains information about systematic reviews and links to resources to help you conduct one.



This is a UTS Library guide about undertaking a systematic review. This guide focuses heavily on the search design as many first-time reviewers might not have encountered the significant process and information science skills involved.

The guide goes step-by-step through the systematic review process up to the screening stage.

Learning Goals

  • Understand the purpose and process of a systematic review,
  • Design and document a comprehensive search strategy,
  • Process the search results for screening (e.g. deduplication).

Table of Contents

Each section is finished by a summary with references to key manuals, troubleshooting and a checklist, marked by the following symbols:



Prisma-P is the most common reporting standard for systematic reviews. In this section, we'll highlight the relevant part of the standard.


A summary of the key skills and information from each module.

⚠️ I'm stuck!

Struggling? Suggestions and instructions for common problems and issues.

🛑 Stop and Review

A checklist of everything you need to do before the next step.


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