Where you choose to search will depend on the type of information you're looking for.
This page will go over finding background information and journal articles and the next pages will go over grey literature.
Books and textbooks provide broad overviews of a topic and are a great place to start if you're new. The best place to find books is by using the Library catalogue.
Journal articles are one way in which you can find in-depth analysis on particular issues.
You can find some journal articles by using the Library catalogue, but we recommend you look in a discipline-specific databases like CINAHL, Medline or PubMed.
Have a look below to get an idea of what database is right for you!
Medline is a large medicine and health database, with extensive US coverage. |
PubMed contains everything in Medline and covers additional topics around the life sciences, chemistry and general. The search interface is very user-friendly.
Embase is a large medicine database with focus on drugs, medical devices and health topics. It covers a number of European journals.
CINAHL provides authoritative coverage of the literature related to a wide variety of nursing and allied health topics.
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