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Generative AI: Types of generative AI

Text Generation


Text generation is where an AI tool produces written content in a way that imitates human language, style and patterns.

Here is an example from Chat GPT:

Textbooks and notes,
Knowledge blooms in lecture halls,
Students path unfolds

- Prompt: Poem about being a university student

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (July 14 version) [Large language model].

Some examples of text generation tools include:



GrammarlyGO is a software that uses AI to assist with writing and editing your work.

Please note that UTS has not enabled the use of GrammarlyGO as part of our Grammarly subscription.

Image Generation


Image generation is where an AI tool creates new images based on word prompts from the user.

Here is an example from DALL.E:

Librarian riding a unircon in the style of erte

- Prompt: Librarian riding a unicorn 

OpenAI. (2023). DALL-E2 (July 14 version) [Text-to-image].

Some examples of image generation tools include:

Sound Generation


Sound generation is where an AI tool creates musical sequences, text to voice and audio segments based on word prompts from the user or selected theme/genres.

Here is an example from

- Prompt: an Australian woman reading a poem about being a university student.

Murf.AI. (2023). Murf.AI (July 14 version) [Text to sound].

Some examples of sound generation tools include:

Video Generation


Video generation is where an AI tool generates short videos based on word prompts from users.

Here is an example from Runway:

- Prompt: cartoon cat writing an assignment

Runway (2023). Gen-1 Runway (July 14 version) [Text to video].

Some examples of video generation tools include:

Coding Generation


Coding generation is where an AI tool creates new code in a specified language (e.g. Python, Java, HTML) based on word prompts from the user.

Here is an example from ChatGPT :

- Prompt: write html for a rainbow

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (July 14 version) [Large language model].

Some examples of coding generation tools include: