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Forensic Science: Finding Anatomy Resources

These guides provide an introduction to key resources available for Forensic Science. The Library has a wide range of both electronic and print materials including books, databases and journals.



This page will assist you in finding books, eBooks, databases, videos and image resources for anatomy as well as showing you how to reference some of the trickier resources.

Images & Video




UTS Library has many anatomy textbooks. They can be found through the library catalogue.

Have a look at the recommended books below:

And more


This guide outlines some key resources for Anatomy, but many other useful resources can be found in the library catalogue.

Referencing anatomy resources


Some resources for anatomy can be tricky to reference. Have a look at the examples below to see how to reference these resources.

To learn more about referencing for your discipline area more generally, have a look at the Referencing page in this guide.


Referencing Acland's Video Atlas

Aclan, R. D. (n.d.) Title of video [Video]. Aclan's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy.


Referencing Anatomy TV

Primal Pictures. (n.d.). Title of the image cited [3D Model].