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Reading Lists: Making the list available to students

This guide supports teaching staff with using Reading Lists.

Publishing your list

Click 'My list is ready' to make the Reading List visible to students and send any requests to the Library to action. Resources that require action from the Library will not show to students until they are available.

What happens after I select 'My list is ready'?

After you select "My list is ready":

  1. Resources on your list that are readily available will be visible to students
  2. Anything on your list that needs review will begin to be processed by the Library. This includes resources that need to be:
    •  purchased (Note: physical books can take 4-6 weeks to arrive)
    • digitised 
    • manually checked for copyright compliance (which includes some website/freely available material).

Once we have processed all of your resources, they will become immediately available to students via the reading list.